KSI-1800 Series Keyboards

  • KSI-1800 Series Products

Wired and wireless for healthcare | Scrubbable with soap, sprayable with

 approved cleaning products, and disinfectable with germicidal wipes


Wireless and USB connectivity, KSI push-to-clean LinkSmart® button, and a smooth, crevice free surface

Wireless and USB connectivity, KSI push-to-clean LinkSmart® button, and a smooth, crevice free surface

Patented KSI award-winning push-to-clean LinkSmart® button, and a smooth, crevice free surface is easy to disinfect

KSI award-winning LinkSmart® cleaning button and rfIDEAS WaveID® dual band card reader technology

KSI award-winning LinkSmart® button and HID® biometric fingerprint reader

LinkSmart® cleaning button, dual band card reader technology, and HID® biometric fingerprint reader