EPCS Feature

  • KSI ePrescribe Compatibility

EPCS-Ready Keyboards

Two-factor authentication supports ePrescribe

KSI biometric healthcare keyboards and standalone security pods offer EPCS compliance to prevent doctor shopping.  All KSI medical-grade keyboards and standalone security pods with integrated HID® fingerprint biometrics promote adoption of EPCS while supporting clinicians’ compliance of DEA and state regulations.  KSI’s integration of both Bluetooth® Low Energy and a FIPS 201 compliant biometric fingerprint sensor meets the DEA’s two-factor identity requirement.

KSI ePrescribe products are compatible with leading SSOs.

How EPCS promotes patient safety and helps healthcare professionals

Adherence to EPCS regulation offers several safeguards that benefit both patients and healthcare.  As more states adopt EPCS, it’s important to note the many benefits it offers to healthcare:

1) protects patients against life-threatening prescription errors due to illegible handwriting and handwriting mistakes made by medical staff, 2) alerts prescribers to medication duplication, 3) prevents patient “doctor shopping” that plays a significant role in furthering the opioid epidemic, 4) eliminates the administrative burden on clinicians, resulting in cost savings and improved quality of care, and 5) increases overall efficiency of prescribing.

How do KSI products support EPCS compliance?

KSI peripherals provide multiple integration options for meeting DEA-mandated two-factor authentication protocols:

  • HID® FIPS 201 compliant silicon biometric fingerprint sensor
  • rfIDEAS Wave ID® Plus contactless, dual frequency smart card reader
  • Low energy Bluetooth® for use with Imprivata® Confirm ID hands-free mobile authentication

KSI keyboards and pods offer an efficient ePrescribe workflow solution that conserves thin and zero client ports.

Visit our Product Links to find out more about KSI e-prescribe-ready products.